Thursday 25 October 2007


Hi ladies, I feel like a professional blogger now, I've gone and done it, corrupted another shabby lover...

Yes, I was having my nightly talk to my sister tonight on the phone and we were talking about the new target catalogue 'it has some lovely pink shabby things' Anyway I've kept my little blogging world a secret and tonight I just blurted it out.

So my lovely sister Julie will be dropping in on you all and let me tell you she will be blogging for hours. She is my biggest sister (I have 4) and she also luv's the shabby world. I have warned her about the terrible addiction and the absolutely gorgeous things that she will find, but she was so keen to have a look she suddenly had to go and I was told "I'll see you tomorrow"

I'm sure she will open a blogspot soon, and she will have lots too say. When she has some time as she is so busy with 5 kids, yes not a typo five. So Jule's I hope you have fun and don't stay up tooooooo late...

Luv you lots and see you tomorrow
Your 'LOVELY' sister



Hi Sharon, welcome to blogger! I guess you're finding out, it is addictive. You will be sitting up verrrry late, with you eyes hanging out, still reading beautiful blogs & knowing you SHOULD GO TO BED!! Or like me, you will boil something over on the stove, I JUST DID. eek!! Gotta go. Pop on over & visit.
Cheers, Coll :-}

Gail McCormack said...

Hi Sharon, wow 4 sisters! that's wonderful, I can't wait till you put some photos on your blog, I keep to hear your news and keep it up please
Gail xx